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Messages - Josh

GP Zenica / Odg: Zenicatrans - Istorija i stare slike
20 08, 2021, 11:29:29 PRIJEPODNE
I'm looking for photos of the Gräf & Stift buses, who went from Linz (Austria) to Zenica between 1996 and 1998. If anyone can help me, please send me a private message.
Many Thanks

Tražim fotografije Gräfa i Stifta bussea koji su iz Linza (Austrija) otišli u Zenicu između 1996. i 1998. godine. Ako mi neko može pomoći, neka mi pošalje privatnu poruku.
GP Tuzla / Odg: GP Tuzla - Razno/Diskusije
20 08, 2021, 10:39:23 PRIJEPODNE
All Citaro L with a blue front running in Tuzla and Mostar are ex VHH Hamburg, Germany.
Prevoznici E-K / Odg: Euro Bus, Zvornik
19 08, 2021, 09:09:13 PRIJEPODNE
The MAN J93-E-221 is ex Rheinbahn Düsseldorf, Germany
Prevoznici E-K / Odg: Hankom Turs, Kalesija
19 08, 2021, 08:43:57 PRIJEPODNE
The bus with registration plate T82-K-512 is ex VLG Gifhorn, Germany. It should be built in ´92.
Prevoznici E-K / Odg: Eurotours, Bijeljina
19 08, 2021, 08:41:02 PRIJEPODNE
Citat: The_Dubster  u 11 11, 2017, 20:53:04 POSLIJEPODNE

petak nadomak Bijeljine
This MAN is definitely ex Dresden, Germany.