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Messages - uwe_w2604

Prevoznici L-P / Odg: Litvatrans, Banovići
24 03, 2019, 11:17:41 PRIJEPODNE
Hello from Germany,

do someone have Datas (VIN) of the Litvatrans buses to find out the former owners in germany?

I try to find out where the buses come from, but I can´t find any data. In and the company Litvatrans is not included.

Many thanks for your help.

Bye - Uwe -
GP Banja Luka / Odg: GP Banja Luka - Razno/Diskusije
16 01, 2019, 19:47:53 POSLIJEPODNE
Picture at Odgovori #45 look like former owner NEW Mönchengladbach in gernany.

Best regards - Uwe -
Prevoznici E-K / Odg: Hankom Turs, Kalesija
13 01, 2019, 19:31:27 POSLIJEPODNE
Hi from Germany,

can anybody help with the VINs or chassis numbers of


to find out, where they come from

Best regards - Uwe -
GP Zenica / Odg: GP Zenica - Razno/Diskusije
03 01, 2019, 19:21:59 POSLIJEPODNE
Hello from germany,

I´m looking for the former owners of the MB O 530 L Citaro of JKP Zenicatrans. I think, most of them are coming from PVG Schenefeld near Hamburg.

But I only have found a picture of one bus backside: T09-E-021 has Number 0571 at backside, so it´s PVG-Registration PI-VG 571 (VIN ...3100450)

What about the other 8 ones??

Can somebody help me?

Best regards - Uwe -